Welcome to the Ambassadors for Christ
Ambassador Club's first meeting for the 2024-25 school year is Monday, August 26. We meet from 9:30 - 12:30 at Community Bible Church, 6005 Edmondson Pike, Nashville, 37211.
Greetings Home Educators!
Start your home school week this year with a great activity training students in the important life-long skills of public speaking, critical reasoning and thinking, logic, ability to work constructively with others & more, all in a Biblical worldview context. Join (or visit) Ambassadors for Christ Speech and Debate Club!
We are excited about the start of the 2024-2025 school year & hope you're on this site because of your interest in Speech & Debate & specifically the Ambassador Club for your home-schooled student(s)! We also hope you plan to visit and join Ambassador Club!
Our website has lots of information and can be a resource for Ambassador Club members throughout the school year, providing descriptions of and links to rules and ballots of all the Speech and Debate events for both our Junior Varsity (JV) ages 8-12, and Senior Varsity (SV) students who are aged 12-18 by October 1, 2024, along with other details.
Our weekly Club schedule each Monday is:
9:30-10:45: JV APOLOGETICS SPEECH focusing on Apologetics
9:30-10:45: SV SPEECH divided into Beginning SV Speech & Experienced/Advanced SV Speech
10:45-11:00: JV & SV SNACK BREAK w/ individually wrapped snacks & bottled water
11:00-12:30: JV SPEECH focusing on the other JV speeches: Limited Prep, Platform, & Interpretive
11:00-12:30: SV DEBATE in which the SV are divided into Novice/Beginning Team Policy Debate & Experienced/Advanced Team Policy & Lincoln-Douglas Debate.
A Bit of History
Ambassadors for Christ Speech & Debate Club began in 2006 for Christian, home educated students ages 8-12 years old in our Junior Varsity group and students, mature 12 year olds - high school graduation in our Senior Varsity group. Ambassador Club has grown and developed in the years since.
Our 2024-2025 Coaches
We have an amazing and awesome group of coaches who have participated and excelled in speech and debate as home schooled students, who have graduated from their home school and are either in college or early years of their careers. A couple continue to debate at the college level. All of our coaches have experience coaching speech and debate in Clubs, Camps, and privately. They enjoy this activity tremendously and understand the great benefits to young people of learning to be skilled communicators with practice in public speaking and critical thinking.
Most significantly, they are a group of dedicated Christian servant-leaders who are motivated to train a younger generation of home schoolers in these important life skills!
For information on Ambassador Club's 2024-2025 school year calendar, click on the "Important Dates" Tab in the left margin.
We've created this web site to provide you with details about Ambassador Club, hoping to answer questions you might have, while also making our Club documents available and easily accessible to you. Our Registration Form, Statement of Faith, our Honor Code, and Waivers are all on this site on separate pages. See the tabs in the left margin.
Explore this site, but also feel free to email me if you have questions not answered here. My email address is lana.thornton@gmail.com. I serve as Director of Ambassador Club and will be glad to help you!
Serving with Joy,
Lana Thornton