Ambassador Club’s Junior Varsity Speech & Debate Events for ages 8-12
Junior Varsity Interpretive Speeches:
I. Junior Varsity Open Interpretation (includes Dramatic & Humorous Interp)
Description: In Open Interpretation, the student creates an original rendition from a single selection of literature, which can be either dramatic or humorous. The student's original rendition should captivate, move, and/or entertain the audience.
Goal: To select and analyze literature, then bring it to life through the creative use of voice, movement, and facial expression.
JV Open Interpretation Preparation Rules:
1. Interpretive literature may come from a variety of published genres including plays or prose. The selection must be from a single work and it may not be authored by the competitor.
2. Media transcripts are not permitted. A “media transcript” is a pirated script or selection that has been transcribed by an individual from a live or recorded performance (theater, movies, television/radio broadcasts, webcasts, internet streaming, etc.).
3. The literature must be cut to fit within the time limit.
4. Approximately 150 words may be added for any purpose including but not limited to introductions and transitions.
5. Changes to pronouns and verb tenses are allowed and not counted as added words.
6. Dialogue from one character may be given to another character.
7. The selection may be entered in only one category per tournament.
8. The student may place the selection in a different category in subsequent tournaments.
9. The student may enter only one interpretive selection per category.
JV Open Interpretation Presentation Rules:
1. The speaker must identify the title and author near the beginning of the piece.
2. The speaker must compete in tournament attire.
3. No audio or visual aids or props may be used.
4. Only feet are permitted to touch the floor at any time.
5. Gratuitous vulgarity is strictly prohibited.
6. This is primarily a speech event but some singing and dancing are permitted as appropriate to the piece.
7. The script must be memorized. No written scripts or notes may be referred to in competition rounds. However, if they are the competitor can be given a lower ranking within the round.
8. The timekeeper will start the timepiece when the speaker begins and will stop the timepiece when the speaker finishes. No hand signals will be given.
Speaking time limit– five (5) minutes. No minimum time.
JV Open Interp Ballot
II. Junior Varsity Poetry Interpretation
Description: In Poetic Interpretation, the student presents a poem of their choice. The selection and presentation of the poem should captivate and moves the audience. Goal: To select and analyze poetry, then bring it to life through the creative use of voice, movement, and facial expression.
JV Poetry Interpretation Preparation Rules:
1 Poems may come from a single work or a variety of genres. The result must be a single work and it may not be authored by the competitor.
2. Media transcripts are not permitted. A “media transcript” is a pirated script or selection that has been transcribed by an individual from a live or recorded performance (theater, movies, television/radio broadcasts, webcasts, internet streaming, etc.).
3. The poem must be cut to fit within the time limit.
4. 150 words may be added for any purpose including but not limited to introductions and transitions.
5. Dialogue from one character may be given to another character.
6. The selection may be entered in only one category per tournament.
7. The student may place the selection in a different category in subsequent tournaments.
8. The student may enter only one interpretive selection per category.
JV Poetry Interpretation Presentation Rules:
1. The speaker must identify the title and author near the beginning of the piece.
2. The speaker must compete in tournament attire.
3. No audio or visual aids or props may be used.
4. Only feet are permitted to touch the floor at any time.
5. Gratuitous vulgarity is strictly prohibited.
6. This is primarily a speech event but some singing and dancing are permitted as appropriate to the piece.
7. The script must be memorized. No written scripts or notes may be referred to in competition rounds. The competitor can receive a ranking penalty for use of a written script or notes in competition.
8. The timekeeper will start the timepiece when the speaker begins and will stop the timepiece when the speaker finishes. No hand signals will be given.
Speaking time limit– five (5) minutes. No minimum time.
JV Poetry Interp Ballot
III. Junior Varsity Duo Interpretation
Description: In Duo Interpretation, two students create an original rendition from various pieces of literature (including original unpublished work) which captivates and moves the audience. Goal: To select and analyze literature, then bring it to life through the creative use of voice, facial expression, and movement without interacting face-to-face.
JV Duo Interpretation Preparation Rules:
1. Interpretive literature should come from traditional published or copyrighted literature.
2. Media transcripts are not permitted. A “media transcript” is a pirated script or selection that has been transcribed by an individual from a live or recorded performance (theater, movies, television/radio broadcasts, webcasts, internet streaming, etc.).
3. There is not a limit to the number of words added by competitors nor any restriction on how those words are used.
4. Dialogue from one character may be given to another character.
5. The interpretive piece may be entered in only one category per tournament (e.g. either "Dramatic" or "Duo" but not both). The students may place the interpretive piece in a different category in subsequent tournaments.
6. The students may enter only one interpretive piece per event, i.e. only one entry in Duo Interp.
JV Duo Interpretation Presentation Rules:
1. The author and title of the work must be introduced.
2. The resulting construction of the interpretive piece should provide a balanced performance between the two students.
3. The students should not look at each other, touch each other, or interact face-to face.
4. The speakers must compete in tournament attire.
5. No audio or visual aids or props may be used.
6. Only feet are permitted to touch the floor at any time.
7. Gratuitous vulgarity is strictly prohibited.
8. This is primarily a speech event but some singing and dancing are permitted as appropriate to the piece.
9. The script must be memorized. No written scripts or notes may be referred to in competition. The competitors can receive a lower ranking for use of a written script or notes in competition.
10. The timekeeper will start the timepiece when the speakers begin and will stop the stopwatch when the speakers finish. No hand signals will be given.
Speaking time limit – seven (7) minutes. No minimum time.
JV Duo Interp Ballot
IV. Junior Varsity Story Reading
Description: In Story Reading, the student chooses a children's storybook and reads aloud a selection of their choice from the book. The selection and presentation of the story should captivate the audience. The student is encouraged to use voice inflection, tone, volume, expressiveness, character differentiation and facial expression to animate the characters and bring the story to life. Goal: To select a story or portion of a story book and in reading it aloud bring the book and characters to life through the creative use of voice, inflection and facial expression.
JV Story Reading Presentation Rules:
1. The student has up to 5 minutes to READ from an actual children’s storybook
2. The student must read verbatim from the storybook, without added interpretive wording.
3. The student must bring and use an actual book in this event.
Speaking Time Limit– five (5) minutes. No minimum time.
JV Story Reading Ballot
JV Platform (Original & Memorized) Speech Events
I. Junior Varsity Platform Apologetics Speech
Description: A JV Platform Apologetics speech is a prepared speech, written by the speaker, in response to one of five questions. Goal: To motivate students to study and articulate the core issues of their faith in a knowledgeable, sincere, winsome manner.
JV Platform Apologetics Rules:
1.The speaker may prepare a speech in response to one of the Apologetics questions offered by CCT & Ambassador Club.
2. The purpose of the speech may be to inform, persuade, or inspire.
3. The speech must be an original work, written by the competitor, and scripted verbatim.
4. The speech may be entered in only one category per tournament (i.e., either ‘Original Oratory’ or ‘Platform Apologetics’ but not both).
5. The student may place the speech in a different category in subsequent tournaments.
6. The speaker may enter only one speech per category.
JV Platform Apologetics Presentation Rules:
1. All direct quotations and primary sources must be cited verbally within the body of the speech. Use of another person’s words or ideas without crediting them is plagiarism and is strictly forbidden.
2. The script must be memorized. No written scripts or notes may be referred to in competition rounds. The competitor may receive a lower ranking for use of a written script.
3. No props, audio or visual aids may be used.
4. Though we never expect this, we still post this rule. Gratuitous vulgarity is strictly prohibited.
5. The timekeeper will start the timepiece when the speaker begins and will stop the timepiece when the speaker has concluded his speech.
The 2023-24 JV Apologetics Questions:
1. What does it mean that God is eternal? Why does this matter?
2. Is the New Testament historically reliable?
3. Why am I here? And what is my purpose in life?
4. Is there evidence for the historical existence of Jesus? Is this evidence necessary for the Christian faith?
5. Does man need salvation?
6. What is Apologetics and why do we study it?
7. How do we know Jesus really died and resurrected?
8. Who is God? And what are some of His characteristics?
Speaking Time Limit– five (5) minutes No minimum limit.
JV Apologetics Ballot
II. JV Original Oratory Speech (includes Persuasive & Informative speeches)
Description: An Original Oratory is a prepared speech, written by the speaker, on a topic of the speaker’s choice. Goal: To develop a polished, winsome speaker who can present an engaging, well-organized speech on any topic.
JV Original Oratory Preparation Rules:
1. The speaker may prepare a speech on any topic.
2. The purpose of the speech may be to inform, persuade, entertain, inspire, eulogize, or fulfill any other function.
3. The speech must be an original work, written by the competitor, and scripted verbatim.
4. An Original Oratory may be used in multiple leagues during any given competitive season.
5. The speech may be entered in only one category per tournament (i.e., either ‘Original Oratory’ or ‘Persuasive’ but not both). The student may place the speech in a different category in subsequent tournaments.
6. A maximum of approximately 30% of the speech may consist of quoted material.
JV Original Oratory Presentation Rules:
1. All direct quotations and primary sources must be cited verbally within the body of the speech. Use of another person’s words or ideas without crediting them is plagiarism and is strictly forbidden.
2. The script must be memorized. No written scripts or notes may be referred to in competition rounds. The competitor may receive a lower ranking for use of a written script.
3. No props, audio or visual aids may be used.
4. We do not expect this to to occur but post this rule as a standard. Gratuitous vulgarity is strictly prohibited.
5. The timekeeper will start the timepiece when the speaker begins and will stop the timepiece when the speaker has concluded his speech.
Speaking Time Limit– five (5) minutes. No minimum time.
JV Original Oratory Ballot
III. Junior Varsity Expository Speech
Description: An Expository speech is a prepared speech, written by the speaker, which explains or “exposes” a topic usually with the help of visual aids. Goal: To develop a winsome, polished speaker who can present a creative, well-organized speech while efficiently employing audio/visual aids or props.
Junior Varsity Expository Preparation Rules:
1. The speaker may prepare a speech on any topic.
2. The primary purpose of an expository speech is to inform but it may also persuade, entertain, or fulfill any other function.
3. The speech must be an original work, written by the competitor and scripted verbatim.
4. The speech may be entered in only one category per tournament. The student may place the speech in a different category in subsequent tournaments, but remember, only Expos allows for audio/visual aids or props.
5. A maximum of approximately 30% of the speech may consist of quoted material.
Junior Varsity Expository Presentation Rules:
1. All direct quotations and primary sources must be cited verbally within the body of the speech. Use of another person’s words or ideas without crediting them is plagiarism and it is strictly forbidden.
2. The speaker may use visual aids.
3. Audio aids and effects may be used to enhance the speech.
4. Computers are permissible.
5. The speaker must set up his/her own props (and any other aids) without the assistance of anyone else.
6. No setting up is allowed during the judges’ evaluation time between speakers.
7. Students may set down their props when they get to the front of the room. All other setup and cleanup must occur within the time limit of the speech.
8. Special clothing related to the speech may be put on, or displayed, and taken off, or hidden, during the course of the speech.
9. The speaking area must be left in the same condition as it was prior to the speech.
10. Use of weapons, explosives, or incendiary devices is prohibited.
11. Nothing may be distributed or offered to the judges or audience members.
12. People and live animals may not be used as aids in the speech.
13. Gratuitous vulgarity is strictly prohibited.
14. The timekeeper, likely the Judge, will start the timepiece when the speaker begins and will stop the timepiece when the speaker has concluded his speech.
Speaking Time Limit– five (5) minutes. No minimum time. An additional two (2) minutes is allotted for each speaker to set up before their speech and to remove their display following their speech, allowing a total of seven (7) minutes for each speaker.
JV Expository Ballot
Junior Varsity Limited Preparation / Impromptu Speeches
In tournament competition students get a limited time to prepare for a speech on a topic that is given to them at the event. The preparation for Limited Prep speeches happens at home and at the local club before the tournament. The best way to succeed in Limited Prep is to practice!
I. Junior Varsity Bible Story Impromptu
Description: In JV Bible Story Impromptu the competitor chooses a story from the genre or category selected by the tournament. These Bible stories are listed on the tournament web site weeks prior to the tournament, so the students know the full list, but will not know the exact story they are to present until they draw and choose at the tournament. Then, the student at the tournament, has limited preparation time and tells the story in their own words. Goal: To understand the values and techniques inherent in good storytelling and to be able to recreate stories for the education and enjoyment of the audience.
Bible Stories for all 3 Rounds
1. David and Goliath
2. Noah and the Ark
3. Jonah and the whale
4. Moses and the Burning Bush
5. Joshua and the Battle of Jericho
6. Zacchaeus
7. Peter walks on the water
8. Parable of the prodigal son
9. The Good Samaritan
10. Hannah and Samuel
11. The Tower of Babel
12. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
13. Abraham, man of faith
14. Mary and Joseph
15. Saul who became Paul
16. Parable of the lost sheep
17. Two builders: Wise & Foolish
18. Jesus & the feeding of the 5,000
19. The Birth of Jesus
20. The angel's visit to the shepherds
21. The Resurrection of Jesus
22. Jesus, his disciples & the miraculous catch of fish
JV Bible Story Impromptu Preparation Rules:
1. Each room will be given instructions regarding room administration as well as the envelope of topics to distribute to the student.
2. The speaker will receive three (3) single topics, choose one, and return the other two. The chosen topic should not be returned to the envelope.
3. Topics should be of the same type for all speakers in the round.
4. The competitor may edit or adapt the story in any way.
5. The timekeeper will start the stopwatch when the speaker receives the topics. Thirty (30) seconds will be allotted to choose a topic.
6. The competitor will have two minutes from the time the non chosen topics are returned to the judges. The timekeeper will give auditory cues every thirty (30) seconds until the two (2) minute preparation time is concluded.
7. Unused preparation time may not be added to the speaking time.
8. Competitors may only enter once in the JV Bible Story Impromptu event per tournament.
JV Bible Story Impromptu Presentation Rules:
1. The speaker may write notes on a blank sheet of paper during preparation time, but he may not use or refer to the notes during his speech.
2. The speaker may not bring any prepared material into the room including a Bible.
3. The speaker may approach the topic in any way he chooses, but the topic must be the central theme of the speech and not peripheral to it.
4. The speaker may refer to his topic slip when announcing his topic during the speech. He/she may not write notes on the topic slip.
5. Each speech should be a fresh, original presentation, developed from one of the topics given and prepared on the spot.
6. The speaker must state his topic early in the speech and adhere to the chosen topic.
7. No audio or visual aids or props may be used.
8. No computers, Kindles, iPods, cell phones, or other electronic media devices may be used for JV Bible Story Impromptu preparation or presentation.
9. Gratuitous vulgarity is strictly prohibited.
10. The student must not listen to other JV Bible Story Impromptu competitors speaking before him. Th competitor may stay after he has given his speech to listen to subsequent speakers.
JV Bible Story Impromptu Preparation time – two (2) minutes. Speaking time – three (3) minutes. No minimum time.
JV Bible Story Impromptu Ballot
II. Junior Varsity Salesmanship
Description: In Salesmanship speaking the speaker is given two (2) minutes to prepare a speech on a drawn item in order to “sell” to the judge. Goal: To create a polished speaker who is able to give an original, spontaneously prepared speech or “sale”, using the selected item as the central theme.
JV Salesmanship Preparation rules:
1. Each room will be given instructions regarding room administration as well as the selected items to distribute to the student.
2. The speaker will receive three (3) items, choose one, and return the other two. The chosen item should not be returned for future competitors. The item should be returned to the judges at the conclusion of the presentation.
3. The timekeeper will start the stopwatch when the speaker receives the item “bag”. Thirty (30) seconds will be allotted to choose an item.
4. The competitor will have two minutes from the time the non chosen items are returned to the judges. The timekeeper will give auditory cues every thirty (30) seconds until the two (2) minute preparation time is concluded.
5. Unused preparation time may not be added to the speaking time.
JV Salesmanship Presentation Rules:
1. The speaker may write notes on a blank sheet of paper during preparation time, but he may not use or refer to the notes during his speech.
2. The speaker may not bring any prepared material into the room.
3. The speaker may approach the topic in any way he chooses, including creative, non-traditional uses of the item, but the item must be the central theme of the speech and not peripheral to it.
4. The speaker may refer to/use his item throughout the presentation.
5. Each speech should be a fresh, original presentation, developed from one of the items given and prepared on the spot.
6. The speaker must attempt to "sell" the item.
7. No audio or visual aids or props may be used, excluding the item.
8. No computers, Kindles, iPods, cell phones, or other electronic media devices may be used for preparation or presentation.
9. Gratuitous vulgarity is strictly prohibited.
10. The student must not listen to other salesmanship competitors speaking before him. He may stay after he has given his speech to listen to subsequent speakers.
Preparation time – two (2) minutes. Speaking time – three (3) minutes. No minimum time. JV Salesmanship Ballot
III. Junior Varsity Impromptu
Description: This is a limited preparation event. The competitor will be given time to prepare a speech on a topic given to them by the judge when they enter the competition room. The topic will be one concept word, e.g. “bravery”. The competitor will give an introduction that contains a hook to get their listener’s attention, develop several main examples or point, and give a conclusion. Goal: is to give the student an opportunity to form a simple speech quickly and efficiently.
General Rules:
1. Speaker will have 2 minutes of preparation time.
2. Speech will not exceed 3 minutes. The Judge will time the event.
3. Notes may not be used during the speech.
4. Speaker will receive three choices of topic and may choose the one they like the best.
5. Props and costumes are not allowed.
Preparation time – two (2) minutes. Speaking time – three (3) minutes. No minimum time.
JV Impromptu Ballot
Junior Varsity Debate: Student Congress
Junior Varsity students are trained at their level to write pieces of legislation that they feel will better the society in which we live, just like our state and US
Congressmen. They are also trained in elementary, introductory parliamentary procedure. A knowledgeable Senior Varsity student serves as the Presiding Officer for the Congress sessions making certain that parliamentary procedure is done properly and that every student legislator has their fair chance to speak on bills. At a tournament, debaters will then speak on the legislation while using proper parliamentary procedure. Judges score each competitor based on argumentation ability (organization, content, logic, and documented support), speaking technique (oral and physical presentation and style), knowledge of parliamentary procedure, and overall participation.
Additional Student Congress Details
Bills and Resolutions Structure
Oath of Office
Easy Chart of Parliamentary Procedures
Helpful Student Congress Terms
JV Student Congress Chamber Etiquette
JV Student Congress Ballot